Casa Vista Montessori Preschool

Admission Form

Information of the child :

  Male   Female

Information Of Father/ Guardian :

Information Of Mother/ Guardian :

Medical Information Of The Child :

  Yes     No  

(Any physical restrictions and particulars of child’s health that should be noted)

Home Environment :

  English     Hindi     Marathi     Other  

  Yes     No  

(optional-for celebration purposes only)

Terms of Admission :
1. Children are accepted into the Toddler Program beginning at age 1.5 years up to 2.5 years and the Primary program between 2.5 to 5 years of age(depending on available space).
2. School fees need to be paid before the term commences.
3. If you need to withdraw your child, you will have to give a month's notice before the commencement of the following term.
4. The school will remain closed on all Public Holidays and vacations i.e. Diwali, Christmas and summer break.
5. Diapers and supplies (snacks and water) are to be provided by parents.
6. Casa Vista Montessori provides toilet training, however efforts should be kept consistent at home to ensure success.
7. Our school Program operates 5 days a week i.e. Monday- Friday. Please note the pick-up time is no later than the given time depending on the program selected for your child.
8. We reserve the right to accept or reject this application based on factors mentioned above.
9. Keep us updated for any changes to this Application of Admission.
10. Children are expected to be punctual to school.

      Yes     No  

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